New unit and attack type: Crossbowman!

While standing two steps away from releasing a new “hero-system”, which brings heroes right on the battlefield, I have added a new unit – crossbowman. That unit uses the attack on the line, which means it can’t attack above squads. So, squads that behind – are outside crossbowman’s radius of attack.

Terrain defence and movement stats

Added terrain melee/ranged defence bonus and movement stats in unit window.
Also, units on the hill square have defence bonus, if attacked by units arn’t on the hill square.
+ Traps now reacts different on units with or without “Floating” trait. It mean that ground-type traps like spiked pit, of swamp holes – has no effect on floating units.

Units selection sounds updated.

This guys recieved proper selection sounds !

Updated units list:

Mist Hog, Green Spider, Dark Walker, Infected, Poison spider, Blood Worm, Evil Eye, Mist Hound, Evil Eye Gazer, Great Scorpion, Cannibal, Dark Spirit, Green Spirit, Blue Spirit, Feral Zombie, Zombie Lord, Zombie Hulk, Mutated Spider, Stoner, Crawler, Dark Spider, Grey’s Warrior, Grey’s Shaman, Little Folk Spearman, Little Folk Spitter, Little Folk Shaman.